Monday, August 17, 2009


After a smooth and non-exciting flight, I arrived in Brussels an hour late to a wonderfully excited family. They knew who I was immediately, which was a great relief. An hour long car ride from Brussels to Liege seemed like ten minutes, as I was transfixed by the beautiful scenery and great conversations. As we pulled up to my new home I thought they were joking. I look out to a farm with horses and sheep, and a backyard with a garden that any Northern Californian would be extremely jealous of. Belgians are quite proud of their flowers, and do not hesitate to show them off to you; but they are indeed breathtaking.

For lunch my family enjoys eating outside on the back deck. They all enjoy each other's company and eat fresh bread with cheese and meat. Ususally accompianed by fruit and always with the best chocolate to finish off the meal. My host mother, Christine, excitedly told me we would visist with her husband's parents. Phillipe, my father has a wonderful family. His parents, Mammi and Pappi live in a beautiful home surrounded by tall trees and hundreds of varieties of flowers. We sat and enjoyed appetizers for two hours with the grandparents and Phillipe's sister and husband, Dominic and Didir. They have two sons who are my age, who apparently are two meters tall.

I thought my family in America enjoyed sitting, eating, drinking, and conversation....until I met people in the French culture. These people know how to enjoy themselves! We had two hours of champange and yummy snacks, then we headed off to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. We ate and talked for FOUR HOURS! By the third glass of wine, I told my host mother that if I had anymore I would be drunk. So what did she do? She took my glass and poured it straight into hers! C'est comique! (How funny!)

On Sunday my brother went and played golf with his friend for the last time, as Antoine will be leaving on Wednesday for America. Christine is very sad, but she is glad I wil be here as her substitue child. Christine, Phillipe and I went on a two hour bkie ride through Liege. It was delightful. There is a pathway all through the city which takes you directly along La Muse, the third biggest river port in Europe. Belgians enjoy the scattered sunshine by laying out in little clothing along the river. According to everyone here, it is only sunny three days a year. So I guess I will not be seeing anymore sun the rest of the year, because it has yet to rain.

Antoine took me to a nice dinner/going away party for him and his classmate. She will be living in Waco, TX and Antoine is going to New Hampshire. Some of the guests dressed up like cowboys which was hilarious. Parties here are much like parties in Kansas City. Everyone just talks and laughs. They only difference is that they are drinking Sangria and beer, with the parents drinking right there, too! They enjoy themselves, but are very respectful towards the host and her home. As part of the party they served a HUGE meal which lasted at least three hours. Belgians know how to take their time and live int he moment. It is wonderful.

Well, I am off to see my new school, get a cell phone, and discover downtown Liege!


  1. You are a wonderful writer - your descriptions make me want to be there NOW! Ce magnifique! (I think!) It just sounds lovely and relaxing compared to how we live here. We are so excited for you! Enjoy! Love you, Mommer

  2. Awesome first few days, eh? Tell Christine that I know how she feels, sad that her son is leaving! She is lucky to have you there. I wish Antoine could come here. Love you loads, Mom

  3. Great to see you and talk to you this afternoon on Skype. Isn't it great??? You look terrific and very happy. Tell Antoine that maybe he should try to sneak his clubs on the plane. Lots of golf here. As a matter of fact I played this morning. Talk to you soon, love, Poppa.

  4. Jamie,

    You MUST go ino creative writing - dscriptions, stories,details....all fabulous. :)
