Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years on the NEWS!

Seems like Belgium got a taste of how I celebrate New Years.

I was on the news! Click on the link below. It will be set to audio, click
video on the top as the choice. Select the first option, JT. Scroll dow
to "JT de 19h30 du vendredi 1 janvier" and select it. Then click the
option "la soirée de nouvel an à Bruxelles" and watch. I'm in the
beginning, screaming.


  1. mon jamie...le link isn't working!!! but what a great picture of mom and dad

  2. Ah, bien!! Tres Bien! Your smiling face est tres jolie on Belgian TV! Very nice. If you copy the beginning of the link to URL and paste, this will take you to the media player. Love it, Mom and Dad

  3. how do you say "OMG" in french!

    that is HILARIOUS!
    (it's a good thing that moment was captured on film as you don't look like you remembered it.)

    love you!

  4. I remember everything from that night perfectly, thank you very much! And the Belg actually say, "Oh My God" but in a funny french accent in a sad attempt to make fun of americans. I just think its funny though.

  5. wow, of course you made it on television. You're Jamie Bronder. That's amazing!!! Can you post it on Facebook? the world needs to see that.

  6. I can't find it! I really wanted to see you enjoying your life to the max! And is there significance to where you are standing in this beautiful picture of you - making it official that you are Belgian? You look gorgeous!
    Happy New Year!!!
